Thursday, February 19, 2009

Worship Under The Tent

The next week our team worked with Community Christian Fellowship. The week is not quite over, but the team says it has been a marvelous experience. They discovered an opportunity to get into the schools in the area and plan a trip in the fall to go back to do movie evangelism and speak in the schools. It is interesting to know that the schools know that an invitation to trust Christ will be offered and they agreed. Pray for Revival among students in Barbados!

Hal and wife, Cheryl have opened their hearts to the team and the week will be long remembered. This is another church that we plan to follow up with other areas of ministry and equipping.

This team consists of Clarence and Marie, Tom (the absence of Evelyn because of illness is an object of our prayers) and Pat.

Pray for Revival in Barbados!

Great Week With People's Baptist Church

We began our work with People's Baptist Church as we attended worship on February 7. We enjoyed a lively worship service and enjoyed the fellowship. They freely express their worship and I suppose the best way to describe it is that "they worship all over"! Everyone sings! Everyone participates! It was a rewarding experience and we surely felt we came close to God.

On Sunday afternoon we had a Prayer Walk in the areas we planned to saturate with the Gospel. On Monday we began our work through Thursday and then ended our week with the showing of the movie "Facing the Giants".

Pastor and Mrs. Taylor and all the church family were very kind and generous. This is our second time to work with them and we plan to continue as we follow up with leader training and discipleship.

This is a great opportunity for us to partner with them as we both seek to serve our Lord.

The team consisted of Thomas and Linda, Billy and Beth, and Clarence and Marie.

Pray for Revival in Barbados!

SC Church Conference

The Strategy Coordinating Church Conference was a great experience in Barbados. The entire conference related to our work in the Caribbean. I was able to make new friends and connect with other churches and individuals who plan to be working in the region. It was great to hear their stories and share our experiences. It was time well-spent for me. I learned a lot that will help us in our mission of GO Caribbean.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

2nd Gospel Saturation Trip to Barbados

The second team works in Barbados February 14 - 21. It is not certain just yet which church we will be working with. Pray for the Lord's leadership in this matter. We will go to worship with the host church on Sunday and Prayer Walk in the afternoon. Gospel Saturation begins on Monday.

Team members include: Clarence and Marie, Tom and Evelyn, Pat.

Pray for protection, the Holy Spirit's direction and power for this team. Pray that people will be saved as this team goes door-to-door and shows the movie "Facing the Giants" on Friday night.

Pray for Revival in Barbados!

1st Gospel Saturation Week of 2009

Our 1st Gospel Saturation Team will serve with the People's Baptist Church, February 7 - 14. We go door-to-door handing out packets of information about the church as well as a Gospel of John, a gospel tract, and infomation about the evangelistic movie we will show on Friday evening, "Facing the Giants". We will work along side Pastor Sam, Shirwyn, Elretha, and other members of the church in an effort to reach out to lost and unchurched people.

Team members include: Thomas and Linda, Clarence and Marie, Billy and Beth.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will go before us and prepare the hearts of the people who greet us at the door. We are always greeted well, and they usually hear us out. Pray that we will see people come to know Jesus as Savior this week.

Pray for Revival in Barbados!

Strategy Coordinating Church Training in Barbados

My first trip to Barbados in 2009 will be for a Strategy Coordinating Church Meeting at the Barbados Baptist College and Training Centre. I leave for Barbados on Saturday, January 31. The meeting hopefully will give me a better idea of what types of mission opportunities there are in the whole Caribbean region, not just Barbados. Our goal is to place a Gospel of John in every household on Barbados and then move to other English speaking Caribbean Islands.

The meeting will also give me opportunity to connect with other Strategy Coordinating Churches in an effort to be sure we don't duplicate mission endeavors and possible team up to do a better job in whatever mission each individual church is involved with.

Pray for Revival in Barbados!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting Ready For Frontliners Conference!

Our Frontliners Conference will be at Heritage Hills Baptist Church, Conyers, GA on October 17-18. We have IMB missionaries Rick Jenkins, Gary and Sis Tufts, and Chuck Johnson as part of the conference. It will be a great opportunity to learn about the MACRegion as well as GO Caribbean. Follow this link for specific information:

If I can answer questions about directions, lodging, or anything else, feel free to call me at the church (770.922.2027) or my cell (404.213.5285).

~ Thomas